It has taken quite a long time, about 45 years to realize that fasting actually should have been taught a long time ago, but it is never too late to commence a new Catholic life.
Starting with the idea that "I" actually do not know anything about it, to try to accomplish four fasting periods during a year. And, we do have learnt a lot about it, and ourselves since 2020.
Fasting and abstinence are two seperate obligations where the abstinens is to refrain from something. It is a wonderful historical practise where you also have to trial your disciplines. It was also important to make a point early on, that Fasting is not a diet because there must be a spiritual touch to the activity. Then in due time, we also realized that the abstinence or the fasting are not only focusing on food.
Wednesday - no meat products.
Friday - no meat products.
Here below is what we do today:
We have learnt the following:
Practical vs Requirement
What we have learnt over the years is that it takes time to get all bits in order, and we see this as a long-term project, so it is important that you manage to continue re-building your Catholic life.
It is difficult to make a sudden change within your own family, if you or the family never have fasted.
You will learn to set your own goals, and you will find your own temptations buzzing around you.
It may be the intake of food, or the habit of smoking, drinking, drugs, gambling, shopping, online-surfing, TV, porn, etc.
A Missing Sentence in the Bible
There is a missing piece, truly a missing piece which seems to be deliberately removed from many bibles.And, looking at ourselves, it becomes quite obvious thatthis missing piece, deliberately was removed from our own Catholic upbringing too.
Matt 17:20 in Vulgate (which may be Matt 17:21) in other Bibles:
"hoc autem genus non eicitur nisi per orationem et ieiunium"
"But this kind is not cast out but by prayer and fasting."
Mark 9:28 in Vulgate (which may be Mark 9:29) in other Bibles:
"et dixit illis hoc genus in nullo potest exire nisi in oratione et ieiunio"
"And he said to them: This kind can go out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting."
Please do check your standard online Bible, and your printed copy if these two selections have been tampered with. The Commander Cross Rosary research often starts with going through books around 1910, to keep it consistant but also that it is shortly after the "Rosary-Pope", Leo XIII and the changes Pius X implemented.
This above secion in the Bible concerns the disciples who failed to cast out demons, maybe with some pride around the task too, and they asked our Lord of why they failed.
"And he said to them: ..."
This means thatthe word and meaning "Fast" was given to us from our Lord as a mean against evil. If it was removed by a person, who made the decision? We do not know when it was removed.
There are some footnotes stating that the Matt 17:29 is similar to Mark 9:29 and therefore was "considered" to have been added afterwards, hence removed today. But, if the sentence exist in the Vulgate, why removed from "modern" Bibles?
Why not see it as part of our defense?
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