Acts of Homage to the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Detail: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Joseph von Führich, c. 1850. The Art of Christianity Collection. AP00014. Used with Permission.
Let us Pray:
HEART of JESUS in the Eucharist, sweet companion in our exile, I adore Thee.
Eucharistic Heart of JESUS,
Heart solitary, Heart humiliated,
Heart abandoned, Heart forgotten,
Heart despised, Heart outraged,
Heart ignored by men,
Heart, lover of our hearts,
Heart desirous of being loved,
Heart patient in waiting for us,
Heart eager to hear us,
Heart longing to be prayed to,
Heart source of new graces,
Heart wrapped in silence, desiring to speak to souls,
Heart, the sweet refuge of the hidden life,
Heart, teacher of the secrets of union with GOD,
Heart of him who sleeps, yet ever watches,
Eucharistic Heart of JESUS, have pity on us.
JESUS victim, I desire to console Thee.
I unite myself to Thee, and sacrifice myself with Thee
I annihilate myself in thy presence.
I would forget myself to be mindful of Thee.
I would be forgotten and despised for love of Thee.
And be neither understood nor loved, unless by Thee.
I will silence myself to listen to Thee,
I will abandon myself to lose myself in Thee.
Grant that I may thus appease thy thirst, the thirst for my sanctification and salvation, and that being
purified I may bestow on Thee a pure and true love.
I would not longer weary thy patience; take possession of me, I give myself to Thee.
I offer Thee all my actions, my intellect to be illuminated by Thee, my heart to be guided by Thee, my will
to be made strong, my soul and body to be nourished, my misery to be lightened.
Eucharistic Heart of my JESUS, whose blood is the life of my soul, may it be no longer I that live, but do
thou alone live in me. Amen.
Act of Consecration
JESUS, adorable LORD, hidden in thy Sacrament of love, Thou who abidest with us to sweeten our exile,
should I not occupy myself in consoling Thee in thine ? To Thee who givest me thy heart, how should I
not offer Thee mine ? Truly, to give myself to Thee is to benefit myself; it is to find an ineffable treasure, a
heart, loving, disinterested, and faithful, such as I would wish my own to be. I cannot be for ever
receiving, and giving nothing in return. Dear LORD, I could never vie with Thee in generosity, but I love
Thee; deign to accept my poor heart, and though it is worthless, yet because Thou lovest it, it may become
something by thy grace; make it good and take it into thy custody.
Eucharistic Heart of JESUS, I consecrate to Thee all the powers of my soul, and all the powers of my body;
I desire to apply myself to the work of knowing Thee and loving Thee ever more and more, in order to
make Thee better known and loved by others. I would do nothing except what tends to thy glory, nor a&
in anything but as thy divine FATHER wills. I consecrate to Thee all the moments of my life in a spirit of
adoration before thy real presence, in a spirit of thanksgiving for this incomparable gift, of reparation for
our cruel indifference, and of incessant supplication, so that our prayers offered to Thee, with Thee, and
in Thee may rise to the throne of divine mercy pure and efficacious, and for GOD’S eternal glory.
EUCHARISTIC Heart of JESUS, on fire with love of us, inflame our hearts with love of Thee.
Act of Reparation
EUCHARISTIC Heart of my GOD, living and beating under the veil of the sacred species, I adore Thee.
Moved afresh with love for the immense benefit of the divine Eucharist, penetrated with sorrow for my
ingratitude, I humble and annihilate myself in the still greater abyss of thy mercies.
Thou didst choose me from childhood; Thou didst not despise my infirmity; Thou didst descend into my
poor heart, and giving it happiness and peace, didst invite it to mutual love; and I have lost all, by being
unfaithful to Thee, O JESUS, my LORD. I have allowed my spirit to become dissipated and my heart to
grow cold; I have listened to my own voice and have forgotten Thee. Thou wouldst have been my guide,
my counsellor, protector of my life, and I, allowing my passions to destroy the sweet attraction of thy
presence, have lost sight of Thee and forgotten Thee.
In the salutary trials of our probation, in times of joy and consolation, in my difficulties and necessities,
instead of having recourse to Thee, I have gone after creatures and have forgotten Thee.
I have forgotten Thee in deserted tabernacles, where thy love languishes, in the churches of towns where
Thou art outraged in the hearts of the indifferent and sacrilegious, and in my own sinful heart, O JESUS,
as well when I approached to receive Thee, as after receiving Thee.
Eucharistic Heart of my SAVIOUR, the delight of my first Communion and of the days of my fidelity, I
surrender to Thee. Return! Return! draw me to Thyself afresh. Pardon me yet again this time; and I shall
hope everything in the strength of thy love.
Glorious Archangel St Michael and thou, O be loved disciple St John, offer to JESUS this my act of
reparation, and be propitious to me.
Prayers from the Raccolta, ed. 1910. Novena of the Sacred Heart.
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