Christus Salvator Mundi,
Quentin Massys, c. 1505.
Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Exhibition at Liechtenstein Museum in, Wien at: Samson and Delilah: A Rubens Painting Returns.
C: Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands
O: Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands
C: Hear, O Christ
O: Hear, O Christ
C: Perpetual safety and welfare to the Church of God
C: Redeemer, Savior,
O: Come to her aid
C: O:
O Mary blessed Mother. Come to her aid
... there may be various included or removed below ...
The Holy Mother of the Church, Come to her aid
Queen of Apostles, Come to her aid
Saint Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Come to her aid
Saint John the Baptist, Come to her aid
Saint Joseph, Come to her aid
C: Hear, O Christ O: Hear, O Christ
C: Hear, O Christ Life and health and blessings to Pope N., our Holy Father, Come to his aid
C: Saviour of the world, Come to his aid
Saint Peter, Come to his aid
Saint Paul, Come to his aid
Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands
C: Hear, O Christ O: Hear, O Christ
C: The bishops of the Catholic and Apostolic Faith and faithful, to their worries.
C: O:
Saint Andrew, Come to their aid
Saint James, Come to their aid
Saint John, Come to their aid
Saint Thomas, Come to their aid
Saint Philip, Come to their aid
Saint Bartholomew, Come to their aid
Saint Matthew, Come to their aid
Saint Simon, Come to their aid
Saint Jude, Come to their aid
Saint Matthias, Come to their aid
Saint Barnabas, Come to their aid
Saint Luke, Come to their aid
Saint Mark, Come to their aid
Saint Timothy and Titus, Come to their aid
Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands Hear,
C: Hear, O Christ O: Hear, O Christ
C: First Martyrs of the Church of Rome, Come to their aid
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C: O:
O Christ Saint Ignatius, Come to their aid
Saint Polycarp, Come to their aid
Saint Cyprian, Come to their aid
Saint Boniface, Come to their aid
St. Stanislas, Come to their aid
Saint Thomas, Come to their aid
Saints John and Thomas, Come to their aid
Saint Josaphat, Come to their aid
Saint Paul, Come to their aid
Saint John and Isaac, Come to their aid
Saint Peter, Come to their aid
Saint Charles, Come to their aid
Saint Agnes, Come to their aid
Saint Cecilia, Come to their aid
All ye holy martyrs, Come to their aid
Saint Clement, Come to their aid
Saint Athanasius, Come to their aid
Saint Leo the Great, Come to their aid
Saint Gregory the Great, Come to their aid
Saint Ambrose, Come to their aid
Saint Augustine, Come to their aid
Saints Basil and Gregory, Come to their aid
Saint John, Come to their aid
Saint Martin, Come to their aid
Saint Patrick, Come to their aid
Saints Cyril and Methodius, Come to their aid
Saint Charles, Come to their aid
Saint Robert, Come to their aid
Saint Francis, Come to their aid
Saint John of Nepomuk, Come to their aid
Saint Pius X, Come to their aid
Church fathers and doctors, Come to their aid
Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands
C: King of kings O: Our King
C: Our hope O: Our glory
C: Hear, O Christ O: Hear, O Christ
To our governors and all our fellows praying with us: be true peace in their hearts and fulfilment of their vows.
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C: O:
Saint Anthony, Come to their aid
Saint Benedict, Come to their aid
Saint Bernard, Come to their aid
Saint Francis, Come to their aid
Saint Dominic, Come to their aid
Saint Philip, Come to their aid
Saint Vincent, Come to their aid
Saint John Mary, Come to their aid
Saint Bridget, Come to their aid
Saint Catherine, Come to their aid
Saint Teresa of Jesus, Come to their aid
Saint Rose, Come to their aid
All ye holy priests and religious, Come to their aid
All ye holy lay people, Come to their aid
O: Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands
C: To him alone be authority, praise and rejoicing, endless ages of ages.
O: Amen
C: May they have favourable times!
O: May those redeemed by the Blood of Christ have favourable times C: Happily! O: Happily! Happily!
C: May the peace of Christ come!
O: May the reign of Christ come!
O: Thanks be to God, Amen
C: Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat
O: Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
C: Exaudi, Christe
O: Exaudi, Christe
C: Ecclesiae Sanctae Dei, supra regnorum fines nectenti animas: salus perpetua!
C: Redemptor mundi,
O: tu illam adiuva
C: O:
Sancta Maria, tu illam adiuva
... there may be various included or removed below ...
Sancta Mater Ecclesiae, tu illam adiuva
Regina Apostolorum, tu illam adiuva
Sancte Michael, Gabriel et Raphael tu illam adiuva
Sancte Ioannes Baptista, tu illam adiuva
Sancte Ioseph, tu illam adiuva
C: Exaudi, Christe O: Exaudi Christe
C: ... Summo Pontifici in unum populos doctrina congreganti, caritate: Pastori gratia, gregi obsequentia.
C: Salvator mundi, O: tu illum adiuva
Sancte Petre, O: tu illum adiuva
Sancte Paule, O: tu illum adiuva
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
C: Exaudi, Christe. O: Exaudi, Christe
C: Episcopis et omni clero sibi commisso pax et virtus, plurima merces.
C: O:
Sancte Andrea, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Iacobe, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Ioannes, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Thoma, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Philippe, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Bartholomaee, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Matthaee, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Simon, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Thaddaee, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Matthia, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Barnaba, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Luca, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Marce, tu illos adiuva
Sancti Timothee et Tite, vos illos adiuvate
C: Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
C: Exaudi, Christe. O: Exaudi, Christe
C: Sancti Protomartyres Romani, vos illos adiuvate
... there may be various included or removed below ...
C: O:
Sancte Ignati, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Polycarpe, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Cypriane, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Bonifati, tu illos adiuva'
Sancte Stanislae, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Thoma, tu illos adiuva
Sancti Ioannes et Thoma vos illos adiuvate
Sancte Iosaphat, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Paule, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Ioannes et Isaac, vos illos adiuvate
Sancte Petre, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Carole, tu illos adiuva
Sancta Agnes, tu illos adiuva
Sancta Caecilia, tu illos adiuva
Omnes sancti martyres, vos illos adiuvate
Sancte Clemenstu tu illos adiuva
Sancte Athanasi, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Leo Magne, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Gregorio Magne, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Ambrosi, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Augustine, tu illos adiuva
Sancti Basili et Gregori, vos illos adiuvate
Sancte Ioannes, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Martine, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Patrici, tu illos adiuva
Sancti Cyrille et Methodi, vos illos adiuvate
Sancte Carole, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Roberte, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Francisce, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Ioannes Nepomucene, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Pie, tu illos adiuva
Omnes sancti potifices et doctores, vos illos adiuvate
Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
C: Rex regum O: Rex noster
C: Spes nostra O: Gloria nostra
C: Exaudi, Christe O: Exaudi Christe
C: Auxilium nostrum O: Fortitudo nostra
C: Arma nostra invictissima O: Murus noster inexpugnabilis
Lux, via et vita nostra,
C: Exaudi, Christe. O: Exaudi, Christe
... vita et victoria !
Magistraibus et Omnibus concivibus nobiscum orantibus:
cordis vera quies, votorum effectus.
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C: O:
Sancte Antoni, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Benedicte, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Bernarde, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Francisce, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Dominice, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Philippe, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Vincenti, tu illos adiuva
Sancte Ioannes Maria, tu illos adiuva
Sancta Birgitta, tu illos adiuva
Sancta Catharina, tu illos adiuva
Sancta Teresia a Iesu, tu illos adiuva
Sancta Rosa, tu illos adiuva
Omnes sancti presbyteri et religiosi, vos illos adiuvate
Omnes sancti laici, vos illos adiuvate
O: Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!
C: Ipsi soli imperium, laus et iubilatio per infinita saecula saeculorum.
O: Amen
C: Tempora bona habeant!
O: Tempora bona habeant! Redempti sanguine Christi.
C: Feliciter! O: Feliciter! Feliciter!
C: Pax Christi veniat!
O: Regnum Christi veniat!
O: Deo Gratias! Amen
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